Channel: jacqui dillon | Hearing the Voice
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Hearing Voices Network North East Consultation Event – Newcastle, Friday 30 November


Hearing Voices Network North East Consultation Event

Are you involved in a Hearing Voices Group in the North East of England, or would you like to be? Are you interested in finding out more about the work the Hearing Voices Network is currently doing in the North East and help us to plan future developments?

If so, then please download the Hearing Voices Network NE Consultation Event Flyer for more information, and come along to a meeting on: Friday 30th November 2012 from 12 – 4pm at The Regency Suite, The Assembly Rooms, Fenkle Street, Newcastle upon Tyne, NE1 5XU. Spaces are limited, so to book a place, please email Jacqui Dillon or call 07951 635 033.

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